Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What WERE we thinking?

One day after Linea's graduation we received an offer from a major book publisher for our book. WOW!! We were and still are ecstatic! First came the news from our agent that the editor wanted to talk to us. Two working days later we received an offer from the publisher and after a couple of days of back and forth with our agent we accepted it. We were both completely excited and the whole thing seemed impossibly surreal. The book proposal went into submission the week of June 1st and we received the offer the next week. Our agent told us the speed of this was quite unbelievable particularly in this current market but we attribute it to her ability to push us further and further with a better, more concise and compelling proposal. The excitement continues but the first night (very late into the night, actually) it hit me. This is the real thing. Our book will be published. In stores and on bookshelves across the nation and perhaps beyond. What WERE we thinking? Suddenly I was insecure. The "what if's" flew like bats into my bedroom and into my worrying mind. What if we had bad reviews? What would a negative comment do to my daughter? What if my colleagues thought I was not "academic" enough by sharing a very personal memoir of a devastating illness? I hadn't had such small (what about the cover??) and long-range (what will my grandchildren think about this twenty years from now?) worries since I the births of my two daughters. Around and around my mind went until finally it settled on trust in our work, our agent, our editor and the world at large. We are committed to sharing our story with continued efforts to increasing understanding and support for people with mental illnesses and their families and to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness that adds another layer of pain to these illnesses. What a journey!


Meg @ RaisingBipolar said...

Congrats! I think it's all really exciting! I look forward to reading the book.

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

Congratulations to both of you! I am thrilled for you and can't wait to read it!

"I'm just a mess,Mommy" said...

Congratulations!! That's wonderful and so exciting!! I can't wait to read it!

Ken and Helen said...

Please stop worrying!!! Your hearts have been in the right place, and I have told you over and over that your book is undoubtedly going to be an immense help to so many families. Many others have walked your walk, but there is no need to worry about the reactions of those who haven't!! We love you both!!!

karen winters schwartz said...

That's wonderful! Stay ecstatic.

Even though my novel: Where Are the Cocoa Puffs? : A Family's Journey Through Bipolar Disorder, (due out August 30,2010), is, of course, fiction, at its core it’s my personal family journey. So I have had, and continue to have, doubts. "What was I thinking?" and passed through my lips more than once. Already I’ve had someone go up to my older daughter and say, “So, I’m going to be able to read all your secrets!” I cringed, but my daughter just laughed, thank God. But it's incredibly important that we tell our stories to anyone who’ll listen. The more we tell, the more stigma and discrimination will lessen. And, then, maybe, increase in research dollars, better understanding, compassion, empathy and smoother roads to recovery will follow.

Congratulations! I look forwards to reading it!

Nanci Schiman said...

It's natural to worry when you embark on new journeys into uncharted (for you) territory. But remember that all of your hard work, abilities and experience are what brought you this far on your journey. Your book didn't miraculously get such a quick offer simply because you have a driven agent, it happened because YOU created a compelling book and lived a compelling story.

Now, sit back, buckle up and enjoy the ride! You've earned it!


P.S. Could I get your autograph before you become so ridiculously famous that I have to have my people talk to your people?

Megan said...

Just go for it! Vulnerability is a good thing. I look forward to reading the book! You are always an inspiration. Thank you. Megan

Alicia D said...

OMG! YAY!!!! congratulations! I think the fact that youre feeling insecure is totally normal but fight it bc you are brilliant with an amazing story to tell and i cant WAIT to see the book on the shelves! :)
ps - sooo secretively jealous,but in a good way:)